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Wish and you shall be wished, give and you shall be given
04/02 2022 Lukáš Toušek Copy URLShare

Wish and you shall be wished, give and you shall be given

Unfortunately, no one can buy health. At MAHOON we are aware of this and we are happy to be able to do work that we enjoy.

Not everyone is so lucky. That's why we decided to help people in need and got involved in charity projects.

This year we contributed to a new electric wheelchair for Pavel:
Each of us can help. Even a little help can change people's lives ❤
How much do you need to save per month to have an annuity of CZK 10,000 in retirement?
30/11 2022 Filip Pištora

How much do you need to save per month to have an annuity of CZK 10,000 in retirement?

Old-age pensions represent one of the largest items in the state budget and there has long been talk about the unsustainability of the current system.
